Monday, July 29, 2013

Taking the Sermon Home

Rev. Kathryn Carroll, Christ the King Lutheran Church 
July 28, 2013

Scriptural Reference: Luke 11:1-13

This morning’s gospel reading is about prayer.
Based on the text, why do you think Jesus feels prayer is important?
How is your life different when you engage in regular prayer?
What are some of the barriers to praying in your day-to-day routine? 

This week, make space for a daily time to pray.  Lay out your prayers, and also, be silent and seek God’s presence.  You might find time in your car before you go to your office; with your morning coffee; or for five-ten minutes in the afternoon or evening.  Set an alarm on your telephone to remind yourself.  

Monday, July 22, 2013

Taking the Sermon Home

Rev. Kathryn Carroll
July 21, 2013
Scriptural Reference: Luke 10:38-42

In this week’s gospel, we meet Jesus having dinner at the home of Mary and Martha.  Martha rushes around and feels taken advantage of; meanwhile, Jesus applauds Mary’s decision to sit at his feet to listen.

With which character do you most identify, Martha, or Mary?

The story of Mary and Martha seems to pit busyness against meditation. What is the value of each of these approaches in a life of faith?

What are some of the things that distract you from your focus on God?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Taking the Sermon Home

July 14, 2013
Sermon delivered by Scott Simmons, Council President

Sermon Text: Luke 10:25-37   The Parable of the Good Samaritan

What is the young lawyer’s underlying motivation when first approaching Jesus with his question about eternal life?

In verse 29 the lawyer asks Jesus, And who is my neighbor? Does Jesus answer this question?  If not, what question does he answer?

What are the elements of surprise in this parable?  How do the characters belie our expectations?

Taking the Sermon Home

July 7, 2013
Rev. Kathryn Carroll

Today the scriptural focus is Luke 10:1-11, 16-20, and the ministry of the seventy.

Jesus commissions seventy people to minister in his name, and warns them that he is sending them out “like lambs into the midst of wolves.”  What do you think this means?  In what ways does doing ministry in Jesus’ name feel like this today?

Why do you think Jesus sent the seventy out in pairs?  What are the blessings of team ministry?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Taking the Sermon Home

June 30, 2013
Rev. Kathryn Carroll

Today the scriptural focus is on Galatians 5:1, 13-25, as we proclaim “Let Freedom Ring!”

How is freedom both a gift and a responsibility?

What does it mean to be “free in Christ?”  What are you “freed for,” or “freed to do?”

Reflect upon Paul’s list of the fruit of the Spirit this week, and in your personal prayers, ask that you might be “guided by the Spirit” to have an abundant harvest of them in your life.