Sunday, September 22, 2013

Taking the Sermon Home

“Stories to Tell; Gifts to Share:” Giving to the Church
September 22, 2013
Scripture references: Deuteronomy 24:17-22; Acts 4:32-37; Luke 8:1-3

As we focus on stories, gifts, and giving—that is, stewardship—today we see three lessons in which the key message has to do with sharing.  In the Deuteronomy lesson, the Israelites are instructed to leave crops behind for others to take; in the New Testament lessons, the emphasis is on communal distribution.  Either way, however, the point is that the resources you possess are not to be used solely on the self.

How do you determine, how much is enough when it comes to financial resources?   What benchmarks do you use?
What motivates you to give?
How is your giving to your church an expression of faith?  An expression of gratitude?
What blessings do you receive from your giving?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Taking the Sermon Home

Scripture References: Philippians 4:4-9; Luke 18:18-25

Sermon Series: Stories to Tell; Gifts to Share
Grateful Living

The sermon series on stories and gifts continues this week.  Once again this week in Philippians, we learn how Paul experiences joy in his relationship with God despite 
hardship—and gives thanks. We also read about a rich ruler whose possessions 
keep him from turning his life fully over to the Lord.

How do you express gratitude to God? What do you withhold?
In what ways is gratitude a motivation for giving?
What are you grateful for…and how do you express it?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Taking the Sermon Home

September 8, 2013
Scripture References: Philippians 4:10-13; Luke 15:1-10

Stories to Tell, and Gifts to Share…this is an apt description of our lives as Christians. To begin with this morning, we rejoice that we are part of God’s story. It is through God’s grace that we live, and move and have our being.  Each day is an opportunity for graceful living, in which to give thanks for the promises of God that we are loved, valued and destined for an eternal relationship.

How would you define grace, and what difference does it make in your life?

In what ways does your relationship with God bring joy?

In the two parables we read this morning, something is lost, that is found after relentless searching. 

What does this tell you about the nature of God?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Taking the Sermon Home

September 1, 2013
Today completes the four week look at Hebrews, and our Speaking of Faith series. The first two weeks our focus was on what faith is; the second two weeks the focus has been on what faith does
Today’s reading from Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 connects well with the appointed gospel text of Luke 14:1, 7-14. Both passages lift up the fact that living out our faith involves showing hospitality.

How would you define hospitality, and what does it have to do with one’s relationship with God?

When have you experienced an unexpected display of hospitality, and what difference did it 
make? Why might it be described as a “moment of grace?”

Hospitality and selflessness are connected in the gospel reading. What do they have to do with each other?

This week, look for opportunities to offer hospitality in unexpected ways—being kind to a stranger in line in the store; taking extra time to help someone in the office; doing a random act of kindness. Then, say a prayer, giving thanks that you have had the opportunity to be the face of Christ to another.